Plymouth City Council is the unitary authority for Plymouth, responsible for everything from rubbish collection and social care to strategic planning and economic development.
As a major employer and service provider, Plymouth City Council buys a vast range of goods, works, and services, representing a significant investment in the local economy. This is managed through our Procurement Team and Strategic Co-operative Commissioning Team.
Plymouth City Council procurement processes are guided by UK law and best practice, ensuring a level playing field for all suppliers. Advertised opportunities, above £25,000, can be found on Supplying the South West Portal.
In line with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 we also publish all advertised procurement opportunities and contract awards above £25,000 on Contracts Finder. For more information visit the Contracts Finder.
Supplying the South West Portal
You will need to be registered on this portal to bid for these opportunities: South West Portal Registration
Plymouth City Council is committed to open and fair competition, treating all bidders equally and evaluating tenders against clear and objective criteria. We welcome suppliers of all sizes and backgrounds to engage with us.
Plymouth City Council’s Inclusive Economy Team run The Plymouth Charter. Charter signatories are ‘committed to a fairer greener future for Plymouth’ and act as a strong collective supporting each other to improve practice.
The Charter is free to join and the team welcome enquiries from businesses about strengthening their Social Value delivery. The Plymouth Charter

Plymouth City Council relies on a diverse range of suppliers to deliver essential services and support our ambitious vision for the city.
The council procures a wide range of goods, services and works – everything from everyday office supplies to large-scale construction and infrastructure projects worth millions of pounds.
Navigating public sector procurement can seem complex, therefore there are dedicated procurement teams - committed to transparency, fairness – to provide clear guidance throughout the process.
Plymouth City Council welcome bids from suppliers of all sizes and backgrounds who share our commitment to quality, value for money, and positive social impact.
Our Procurement Teams:
Procurement Service: Specialising in:
• Construction
• Facilities Management
• Professional Services
• Environment and Transport
Contact the Procurement Service:
Tel: 01752 307967
Email: procurement@plymouth.gov.uk
Strategic Co-operative Commissioning Team: Specialising in:
• Social Care
• Healthcare
Contact the Strategic Co-operative Commissioning Team:
Tel: 01752 668000
Email: jointcommissioning@plymouth.gov.uk
Further details about procurement and commissioning are here
Details of Plymouth City Councils Policies and Terms & Conditions can be found here

The Council believes that its spending should benefit the local community and contribute to a fairer, greener, and more prosperous city, making a real difference to the lives of Plymouth residents and the health of the environment.
Plymouth City Council’s working definition of social value is:
‘a process whereby the organisation procures and commissions goods, services and works in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment
The key outcome of the Councils Social Value Policy is to maximise opportunities from our spend with suppliers in a way that make a positive social, economic and environmental outcomes delivering measurable Social Value returns.
In consideration of Social Value in how the Council commissions and procures, we will:
• Give due consideration to Social Value outcomes for all our contracts in respect of goods, works and services
• Apply the considerations to Social Value in a proportional and relevant way
• Consider it at each stage in relation to commissioning, tendering and contract management
• Take account of this in how we devolve goods, works or services to others
• Do so in a manner that makes positive contributions linked to our strategic priorities.
A Social Value policy is provided on the Council website

Open Opportunities
There are currently no open opportunities linked to this project.