Babcock International Group in the South-West
Babcock owns and operates Devonport Royal Dockyard (DRD) in Plymouth, a crucial part of the UK Ministry of Defence.
DRD is the UK’s sole licensed dockyard for the refitting and refuel/defuel of nuclear-powered submarines and warship fleet.
Established since 1691, DRD is Western Europe’s largest naval support site. DRD is an integral part of the local community and Royal Navy.
It is the UK’s centre of excellence for deep maintenance of Royal Navy Submarines & Warships with 70+ years pipeline of work and 15 years of major infrastructure development.
Over 6,300 people are employed directly by Babcock, including 500+ early careers with strong links to Plymouth’s schools, colleges, universities, community groups and charities.

Become a supplier
There is an unprecedented amount of regeneration happening across the Devonport dockyard.
Babcock has started a series of major infrastructure projects to operate and service both historic and modern highly-complex assets, comprising maintenance, repairs, upgrades and disposals.
Much of the infrastructure is aging and is at the end of its maintainable service life.
Over the next 10 years, Babcock will develop state of-the-art dockyard facilities to meet the evolving requirements of the UK’s Royal Navy.
If your organisation would like to discuss upcoming infrastructure projects, we’d be delighted to hear from prospective suppliers.
Similarly, if your business can play an active part in regenerating the Devonport dockyard, please complete the below expression of interest form.

Open Opportunities
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 30/04/2026 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |
Location PL1 4SG Closing Date 31/08/2025 12:00 |

Babcock International Group is a big advocate of circular procurement.
We use our business principles and influence as a force for good. We are always looking for creative ways to nurture ESG and social value and we are passionate that landmark defence and site infrastructure investment across Devonport Royal dockyard (DRD) enables positive socio-economic impact for the South West economy, with business opportunities and work filtering down throughout the indigenous value chain.
Working closely with a network of cross-regional stakeholders, peer-to-peer groups and our principal contractors, Babcock embeds a local spend strategy. We induce our supply chain to make DRD contracts transparent by advertising them through FinditinPlymouth, making them more accessible to indigenous organisations.
Behind the scenes, we work with industry partners to upskill SMEs, VSCE and community groups to build their resilience and capability to successfully bid and win work within our downstream supply chain.
Our goals are to generate an economic stimulus and see more money retained and re-spent with local manufacturers, component suppliers and specialist sub-contractors.
Through FinditinPlymouth, we have a platform to engage with organisations that typically operate in our lower-tier value chain. We can empirically map spend as a direct result of buying interventions, track jobs created and apprenticeships generated within the downstream supply chain.
What truly positions FinditinPlymouth as a social value differentiator, is that it is a FREE-to-use marketing tool, for local firms, both big or small, to use to post their success stories to disseminate the good ESG and social value practice(s) that are happening across our entire supply chain.
If you’ve got an environmental product or innovation, a community project that you’ve helped out on, or a business news story that you’d like to share with us, please get in touch.
Please complete and submit the below form.
Expression of Interest